Ukraine Seeks Global Support for Peace Blueprint Amid Uncertainty Over China’s Participation

Ukraine Seeks Global Support for Peace Blueprint Amid Uncertainty Over China's Participation

This weekend, Ukraine and its supporters will meet in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for talks to gain international backing for a peace plan to end Russia’s war in Ukraine. Around 40 countries’ national security advisers and other top officials will attend the meeting to reach a consensus on the fundamental values that would guide any prospective peace agreement. Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the president of Ukraine, expressed hope that this endeavour would result in a “peace summit” in the fall when world leaders would support the values outlined in his 10-point peace formula. Since China has strong relations with Russia and hasn’t publicly denounced the invasion of Ukraine, its exclusion from these discussions raises concerns about the initiative’s possible impact.

President Zelenskiy’s 10-point plan lays forth significant demands such as the total restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, the complete departure of Russian forces, the protection of food and energy supplies, the assurance of nuclear safety, and the achievement of the release of all prisoners. Given the ongoing hostilities and Ukraine’s counteroffensive measures, the blueprint aims to address the continuing conflict and prepare the road to a peaceful end. Direct peace talks between Ukraine and Russia have yet to materialise.

The Jeddah discussions still don’t know whether China, a significant participant in world affairs and a close ally of Russia, would attend. China was invited to an earlier round of talks in Copenhagen, but it did not go. Western officials see China’s participation as essential because they think that without it, the pressure on Moscow may be lessened. Ongoing efforts are made to convince China to participate in the negotiations and advance the peace process. Although the Chinese Foreign Ministry has stated that they are willing to engage with the international community to defuse the situation, it is still unknown whether they will participate in the talks.

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By establishing diplomatic ties with nations in the Global South, including India, Brazil, South Africa, and Turkey, Ukraine hopes to broaden its coalition of allies beyond its primary Western partners. In particular, when Russia reneged on a commitment to permit the safe transit of Ukrainian grain via the Black Sea and launched airstrikes on Ukrainian port infrastructure, Western authorities intended to draw attention to the impact of Russia’s actions on food prices.

Saudi Arabia’s choice to host the discussions indicates it wants to take a leading diplomatic position in settling the issue. Previously, the nation and Turkey mediated a prisoner exchange between Ukraine and Russia. The engagement of prominent regional actors like Saudi Arabia can aid in extending the peace initiative’s reach to areas where Ukraine’s longtime allies may not have easy access.

The Jeddah negotiations are a crucial step in Ukraine’s efforts to garner support for its peace plan around the world. Russia’s absence from these meetings is expected, but China’s prospective involvement is still uncertain but crucial. Support from nations in the Global South and significant regional heavyweights like Saudi Arabia may be essential in boosting the prospects for peace in the area. As active combat continues in Ukraine, it’s crucial to understand that the road to a peaceful resolution is still in its early stages.



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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