US-Iran: Tensions increase as Iran blasts mock US aircraft carrier

Iran IranFirst, the sanctioning designation of Saeed Aghajani, commander of the UAV department of the Pasdaran and some individuals linked to the attack drone technology development program, plus the Kimia Part Sivan Company and its man who facilitated the procurement of materials outside Iran – materials that explain the US Treasury Department, were used to producing crewless aircraft that the theocratic Iranian military delivered to Hezbollah, Hamas, Kataib Hezbollah, the Houthis in Yemen and Ethiopia (where the Tigray conflict lives still violent phases); aircraft such as those used in the recent attack on al Tanf, of which the US accuses Iran.

Then an American B-1 Lancer traveled escorted by two Israeli F-15s across the Gulf skies, skirting the Iranian borders. On the same day, the leaders of E3 (France, United Kingdom, Germany) signed a joint declaration by the G20 together with Joe Biden regarding the Iranian nuclear deal (JCPoA) that the Trump administration has put in crisis with the unilateral released in May 2018.

“We welcome President Biden’s demonstrated commitment to bring the United States back to full compliance with the JCPOA and to remain fully compliant, as long as Iran does the same.” Europeans write: “We ask President Raisi to take this opportunity and return to a reasonable faith effort to conclude our negotiations as a matter of urgency. That is the only sure way to avoid a dangerous escalation, which is not in the interest of any country.”

Read | JCPOA: Biden assures of compliance from its end until Tehran revokes

Raisi, a conservative who took office four months ago, blocked the negotiations also to mark discontinuity with the reformist predecessor. “We welcome the regional diplomatic efforts of our Gulf partners to ease tensions and note that the return to the JCPOA would entail both the lifting of sanctions, allowing for strengthened regional partnerships and a reduced risk of a nuclear crisis that would derail regional diplomacy. We also affirm our joint determination to address the broader security problems raised by Iran’s actions in the region. ” Continues the statement.

The scenario accompanying the talks reopening to reconstruct the agreement with Iran – theoretically all of them and is expected by November – is represented by these steps: there ij Beth Riordan said.

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“The initial US assessment indicated a threat to two bases in the Gulf region that host US troops. Out of an abundance of caution, both bases enacted a heightened alert status.”

She added, “The incident lasted for a matter of minutes and an all-clear was declared after the threat indicator had passed. The safety and resilience of our service members and coalition partners is a top priority.The United States condemns these irresponsible missile launches in the vicinity of a congested maritime shipping lane.”

The  ballistic missile drill, which was called Prophet Mohammed 14th, was broadcasted on the Islamic nation’s state television probably to showcase its might to its citizens.

“What was shown today in these exercises, at the level of aerospace and naval forces, was all offensive,” Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander Major General Hossein Salami told state television.

“The US Navy conducts defensive exercises with our partners promoting maritime security in support of freedom of navigation; whereas, Iran conducts offensive exercises, attempting to intimidate and coerce,” said Commander Rebecca Rebarich, spokeswoman for the US Navy’s Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet.”While we are always watchful of this type of irresponsible and reckless behaviour by Iran in the vicinity of busy international waterways, this exercise has not disrupted coalition operations in the area nor had any impact on the free flow of commerce in the Strait of Hormuz and surrounding waters.”



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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