Arab Youth Seek Certainty in Religion and Tradition

arab youth seek certainty in religion and tradition

In a region that has been rocked by political turmoil and violence for decades, many Arab youth are turning to religion and tradition for stability and certainty.

A recent survey by the Arab Youth Survey found that 72% of Arab youth believe that religion is very important in their lives, and 62% believe that traditional values are very important. This is a significant increase from previous surveys, which found that only 60% of Arab youth believed that religion was very important and only 52% believed that traditional values were very important.

This pattern has a variety of causes. 

First, Arab youth have seen the negative effects of political instability and violence firsthand. They have seen how these forces can destroy families, communities, and even countries. In this context, religion and tradition offer a sense of stability and certainty that is often lacking in the political sphere.

Second, Arab youth are increasingly aware of the challenges facing their societies, such as poverty, unemployment, and climate change. They are looking for solutions to these problems, and they believe that religion and tradition can offer some guidance.

Third, Arab youth are also looking for a sense of identity. They are living in a time of rapid change, and they are often unsure of who they are and where they belong. Religion and tradition can provide them with a sense of identity and belonging that they may not find elsewhere.

The trend towards increased religious observance and traditionalism among Arab youth is not without its critics. Some argue that it is a sign of backwardness and intolerance. Others argue that it is a reaction to the West and its perceived cultural imperialism.

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However, the trend is also seen by many as a positive development. They argue that religion and tradition can provide Arab youth with the stability and certainty they need to thrive in a time of uncertainty. They also argue that religion and tradition can help Arab youth to build strong communities and to address the challenges facing their societies.

Only time will tell whether the trend towards increased religious observance and traditionalism among Arab youth is a temporary phenomenon or a sign of a more permanent shift in values. However, it is clear that this trend is having a significant impact on Arab societies, and it is one that will need to be carefully considered by policymakers and opinion leaders in the region.

In addition to the survey findings, there are a number of other factors that suggest that Arab youth are increasingly turning to religion and tradition. For example, there has been a rise in the number of mosques and religious schools in Arab countries. There has also been a growth in the popularity of religious television channels and websites. And, there has been an increase in the number of young people who are participating in religious activities, such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage.

The trend towards increased religious observance and traditionalism among Arab youth is a complex one, and there are a number of factors that are contributing to it. However, it is clear that this trend is having a significant impact on Arab societies, and it is one that will need to be carefully considered by policymakers and opinion leaders in the region.



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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