Articles By This Author

Middle East

Saudi Arabia deals with budget surplus for the first time as it approves budget for 2022

Saudi Arabia–On Sunday, Saudi Arabia approved its budget for 2022 where the country saw a surplus for the first time in seven years. Like most


Palestinian Overcrowded Ammunition Storage Refugee Camp Catches Fire In Lebanon; Hamas Calls It An Isolated Accident

Lebanon–Explosions shook a Palestinian refugee camp in southern Lebanon stirring with it controversy over the causes and foul play. The coastal city of Tyre is

Middle East

Palestinians vote in Local Elections

Palestine– The Palestinians cast their votes in the local elections in the West Bank, today, Saturday, amid mounting anger against President ‘Mahmoud Abbas’ after he


The United Nations: Sudan’s crisis is not over, and the Burhan and Hamdok agreement is not ideal

Sudan– The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Sudan, Volker Perthes, said on Friday that although the military and the civilian prime minister


US Imposes Human Rights Sanctions On China, Myanmar, North Korea, and Bangladesh

United states–The US (United States) imposed human rights-related sanctions on 15 people and 10 entities tied to China, Myanmar, North Korea, and Bangladesh on Friday


Foreign minister: Saudi Arabia and Bahrain sign four agreements

Saudi arabia–According to Arab media reports, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan stated on Thursday that the Kingdom and Bahrain are working hard


Israeli Foreign Minister on a visit to Egypt to strengthen relations between the two countries

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid arrived Thursday in Cairo for a visit, during which he met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Foreign Minister

Middle East

Syrians Let Down By Turkish Lira Leads To Panic Purchase In Idlib

Syria–Panic buying has started in Syria as the local currency continues to fall mercilessly, confirmed reports state. Most people are looking at hording staples in

Middle East

Old dollar banknotes are causing confusion among the Lebanese, What is the story of the $100?

Lebanon–Lebanese money changers who refuse to accept old $100 bills, known as “white notes,” are causing confusion, especially after some people were charged an additional


Will Hamas Lose Patience With Empty Egyptian Israeli Promises?

Israel–As the situation stands now, the peace restored between Israel and Hamas continues to be a fragile affair, as the lack of progress in indirect