Articles By This Author


Jordan: Imprisonment for officials convicted of causing the death of 10 Covid 19 patients

Jordan– The Jordanian judiciary sentenced 5 government officials to 3 years in prison on Sunday after convicting them of causing the death of 10 patients


Where Does Algeria Stand Over Diplomatic Relations With Western Nations?

Algeria– Algeria is isolated and it is getting worst for this North African country. It is being called as a notorious nation that has got


Iran Nuclear deal suspended amid European ‘disappointment’

Iran–The first formal talks between the diplomats of the European Union (EU) and the new Iranian regime on how to restore the 2015 nuclear deal


Is Russia really looking to invade Ukraine? Biden assumes a long discussion with Putin on the issue

Russia–Various reports in the international media are revealing that Russia is inching closer to Ukraine with intentions of invading it. Moscow has reportedly sent thousands

Middle East

The Pentagon is reviewing the deployment of its forces in the world and the reduction of resources in the Middle East

USA–The US Department of Defense (the Pentagon) announced that it completed last Monday a long review of the distribution of its forces around the world,


Elections in Libya may be postponed due to security concerns

Libya–Despite the UN promising to give the necessary help to conduct the polls on time, Libya’s interim Government of National Unity, led by Abdul Hamid


Lebanon might go into civil war like situation because of Hezbollah

Lebanon– Hezbollah, an Iran backed Shia militia group, has a very strong presence over Lebanon and its presence is directly expanding with the kind of


The Turkish currency has hit a new low after President Erdogan doubled down on interest rate policies

Turkey– Turkey’s interest rates will continue to slide down, according to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who argued for an economy that is less reliant on


No funding for UN body set up to help Palestinians

Among the nations which are deprived of most of the basic necessities, Palestine easily enters the top-10. Palestine not only suffered from internal complications but


Omicron Mutating Faster Than Previous Variants: WHO

As the Coronavirus continues to mutate, it is being ascertained that possibly, the Omicron variant will outpace the Delta variant. This has been determined by