Batelco Financial Services and Fable Fintech enter Bahrain

Bahrain– Fable Fintech announced July 5 its entry into Bahrain. In order to provide personalized, transparent, and real-time remittances on its digital financial SuperApp, BeyonMoney, Fable teamed with Batelco, Bahrain’s leading telecoms provider. According to the agreement, Fable integrated its Growth Suite directly into BeyonMoney to provide Batelco’s customers with rapid, simple, and convenient international transfers.
“We signed the contract last year and kept working to produce a competitive, highly customized solution that was properly connected with Batelco’s innovative idea of a personal dashboard that provided real-time currency conversion rate comparisons. Our reliable technology permitted a quicker design to delivery process for the app in addition to effortlessly synchronizing with the cutting-edge modules at the client’s end. Our focus and leadership have been strengthened by this distinguished relationship in one of the world’s most competitive markets, according to Naushad Contractor,” CEO of Fable Fintech.
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Built on a renowned plug and play, white label platform, Fable’s successful deployment and operation of Batelco’s remittance super app is a testament to its credibility, capability, and confidence. Since its launch in 2015, Fable has already completed projects for more than 40 banks and money transfer companies in 12 different countries, successfully processing transactions totaling $11 billion.
Additionally, Fable just disclosed a strategic alliance with XeOPAR, a business that offers cross-border payments and remittances with only one touch. The technology that XeOPAR chose, Fable Growth Suite (Retail), supports both inbound and outbound remittances. Additionally, it aids in increasing profitability and boosting revenue from both current and new clients for payment service providers.