COVID Lockdown: Saudi Arabia works to tide over economic challenge from the pandemic


Israel IsraelA coordinated operation in collaboration between the Mossad intelligence services and the Cyprus Intelligence Service (KIP) last week led to the arrest by the Cypriot police of a 38-year-old man in possession of a silenced pistol and several dozen ammunition.

The suspect, an Azerbaijani national with a Russian passport, was stopped at the Agios Dhometios checkpoint by the Cypriot border police, along with the northern part of the island controlled by Turkey. He will be held in custody for eight days pending the police. Once the investigation is over, he can file a petition with the court to extend his detention.

According to an initial reconstruction, the man who had arrived on the island about 20 days earlier had rented an electric scooter and two cars. He traveled back and forth from the border that divides Cyprus in two, making the police forces suspicious of his movements in Nicosia. Initially, we thought that the goal of the alleged hitman was exclusively the Israeli billionaire tycoon Teddy Sagi, founder of the companies Playtech and SafeCharge, who, warned by the police Cypriot of what was happening, was s/country/saudi-arabia/”>worldometers

In its efforts to diversify the economy, the Vision 2030 focus on attracting foreign direct investments from aboard. Ibrahim Al-Suwail, the Deputy for Investor Services at Saudi Arabia’s Investment Ministry, in an effort to sound robust, recently said that the economy is open to business despite the pandemic. 

The country is still in a better position to tide over the pandemic challenge due to massive cash deposits and low debt than compared to other countries.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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