Google I/O Conference: Google Present How AI Will Work With Various Products

google io conference

Google just like every time startled everyone with their plan. One day after OpenAI surprised everyone with its advanced ChatGPT model, Google showed its level by presenting how Google will use AI to make services for billions of people more efficient and simple.

Google I/O Conference

During the yearly Google I/O Conference, the company revealed its plans to use Artificial Intelligence for the betterment of its services and providing benefits to the people. Google did not only do its advertising but has also unveiled various new gadgets powered by AI.

CEO of Google Sudar Pichai understood the importance of AI and according to their AI Gemini platform, AI has been mentioned there 120 times.

During the Google I/O Conference, Google presented how the company wanted AI to be an integral part of everyone’s lives from sharing information to chatting with others from location stuff around the house to scheduling one’s day from shopping to various Android devices. In conclusion, Google wants to integrate AI into every single thing we use in our day-to-day lives.

More About the Conference

Sundar Pichai started the event by introducing the latest features curated by its new AI Model Gemini 1.5 Pro. Ask Photos is one the new and amazing features that allows people to search their oldest pictures by deep searching through their old, saved pictures.

Another interesting feature of users can summarise all of their emails using Gemini 1.5 Pro.

After this other Google executives turn by turn also showcased various other features including how Google’s latest model can read any book and convert the book into an AI lecture which features the natural voice of teachers that can answer questions.

One day earlier, the leader of the technological world OpenAI released its new model of AI which will enhance the use of chatbots and ChatGPT.

Google during the conference also displayed Gemini’s new skills to take various inputs including text, voice, or images. Google also announced various improvements in search areas where people can now ask more specific and natural questions.

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Google’s Project Astra

During the conference, Google also gave hints regarding its new project Astra which is being developed by the DeepMind AI Lab of Google. This project will help AI users to live their everyday lives with the help of a phone camera that will interpret the information.

Google also stated that it will add more AI features to the phone later this year.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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