Hamas Al-Aqsa Flood is Fully Palestinian Independent Operation: IRGC

Hamas Al-Aqsa Flood is Fully Palestinian Independent Operation: IRGC

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood against Israel on October 7 was fully designed and conducted by the Palestinians themselves, says the lead commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Hossein Salami. He reiterated that the Hamas operations was independently planned and executed by the Palestinians, with no involvement from non-Palestinian parties.

These comments come after IRGC spokesman Ramezan Sharif said on Wednesday that the October 7 attacks were one of the acts of revenge for the assassination of General Soleimani. This drew irk from Hamas. The Palestine-based militant group rejected Sharif’s statement saying its actions are in response to the presence of the occupation and its continued aggression against their people and their sanctities.

Salami clarified that the IRGC spokesman meant that the results of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation acted as vengeance for the death of Soleimani. Sharif also said that his comments had been misunderstood. “I did not suggest that the motive behind the Al-Aqsa Flood was revenge for the blood of General Soleimani.” He claimed that one of the results of the operation was revenge for the General’s death.

IRGC Has its Own Actions

The commander said the IRGC owns up to its actions in other countries. “We are honest in our actions and we are a capable country. When we shot down an American drone in 2019, we announced it, and we also demonstrated that when we arrested American soldiers (this happened in 2016 in the Gulf), in addition to targeting the US Ain al-Asad base (incident happened in Iraq 2020), and then the den of the Zionists (recent strikes on a base near Erbil, Iraq – Kurdistan).”

In regards to Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Salami said it was a reaction to 75 years of Israeli occupation, crimes, and murders of the Palestinian youth, as well as the regime’s desecration of the Al-Aqsa mosque, and nightly raids in the West Bank.

“The resistance groups Hamas and Jihad are capable of producing weapons inside Gaza. The resistance will not end, but what ends is the Zionist regime’s power.”

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Esmail Qaani, IRGC commander, praised the achievements of the Palestinian Resistance (Hamas). He said the Resistance has demonstrated the weakness and fragility of Israel. “The strikes launched by the Resistance against the enemy’s forces and tanks have shown to everyone that the Resistance in Gaza is perfectly capable of taking initiative and decisive action. The region will not be as it was before the Al-Aqsa Flood operation.”

The commander added that Gaza is defending the honor, pride and dignity of the Ummah (Muslim peoples). “Your brothers standing with you in the Axis of al-Quds and Resistance will not allow the enemy and those behind it to dominate Gaza and its people.”



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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