Hijab Bill Back to Iran Parliament Over Ambiguities

hijab iran law

The contentious Hijab Bill has been sent back to the Iranian Parliament by Iran’s Guardian Council because of lack of definitions for certain terms, and unclear boundaries. There are also ambiguities in regards to the resolutions of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution.

The Hijab Bill collides with the Iranian constitution because of increased public expenses. The Guardian Council’s spokesman Hadi Tahan Nazif said some parts of the bill are inconsistent with the general policies of the legislative system.

The Guardian Council, a conservative body of clerics and jurists, had earlier questioned the use and definition of the term “immodesty” in the bill. It said the concept of cultural goods for chastity and hijab to be ambiguous. The Council added that some penalties also conflicted with the constitution.

Parliament to Resolve Issues in Hijab Bill

The Iran government is adamant to push the Hijab bill into law. As such, the parliament’s Cultural Commission said it will resolve the issues highlighted, that is, change the terms in the judicial and legal commission.

The Iranian parliament passed the Hijab and Chastity Bill last month. People caught dressed inappropriately in public places will be subjected to a fourth degree punishment, as per the law. Those promoting nudity or making fun of the hijab face fines. It also applies to owners of vehicles in which a female driver or passenger is not wearing the hijab or appropriate clothing. For inappropriate dressing, the accused could face up to 10 years in imprisonment.

It should be noted that the Guardian Council has the power to veto the bill if it considers it inconsistent with the Iranian constitution and the Sharia (Islamic law).

Keep Reading

Iran’s Proposed Hijab Legislation: A Concerning Step Towards Gender Apartheid

‘An Enemy Conspiracy’, Iran President Calls For Legal Action Against Women Not Wearing Hijab

Removing Hijab Foreign Propaganda

After mass protests since September 2022 after the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody for not wearing the hijab properly, the Iranian government has put its foot down to pass the hijab bill. President Ebrahim Raisi said some of the women who have declined to cover their heads in public recently were ignorant and needed to be woken up. He said they are not serving the national interests of their country, claiming that a small number of women has been trained in an organized bid to undermine Iran’s government.

Furthermore, Iran’s Culture and Islamic Guidance Minister Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili said those who do not follow the law, will not be allowed to work. Dozens of Iranian actresses who were found violating the hijab law are now not allowed to play roles in movies.



Ahmed Kane is an entertainment reporter who loves to cover the latest news in the world. He's passionate about bringing people the latest and greatest in entertainment.

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