Iraq Government Rejects Demands to Close the US Embassy


Iraq has international obligations and any decision that targets diplomatic missions would affect the country’s foreign ties, says Bassem al-Awadi, spokesman for the Iraqi government. He highlighted that closing the US Embassy is a decision that could destroy Iraq.

This follows demands by the Sadr Movement in Iraq to close the US Embassy in Iraq in support of the Palestinians. Muqtada Al-Sadr, leader of the Sadr Movement, called on the Iraqi government and the Iraqi parliament with all its groups and orientations, to vote on closing the American embassy in Iraq because of the Americans’ unconditional support for the terrorist Zionists against Gaza.

He warned that if the government and parliament do not respond, the Sadr Movement will take a different position, and this will be announced later. Calls to close the US embassy is growing louder after US armed forces hit bases in Syria and Iraq.

Would be Disastrous for Iraq

However, the Iraqi government doesn’t want to shut down the US Embassy. Al-Awadi said their earlier decision to close the Swedish Embassy in Iraq, because of desecration (burning) of the Quran in Sweden, drew concern and criticism. “Such a proposal would not affect the framework agreement, signed between Washington and Baghdad, but would also lead to the destruction of Iraq.”

Sadr, who commands hundreds of thousands and even millions of loyal followers, urged the Iraqi government not to reject his demand on the pretext that Iraq’s income from selling oil is in the hands of the US Federal Reserve. He warned the current silence by the Iraqi government would lead to normalization with Israel, poverty and injustice.

The government is wary of Sadr as he deployed his followers to stage massive protests, which sometimes transformed into violent confrontation. The Sadr Movement usually protests against poor economic conditions or infringements of Iraqi sovereignty.

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Meanwhile, the Iraqi government calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Ahmed Al Sahhaf, Iraqi Foreign Ministry spokesman, said Iraq sponsored the resolution and joined it to confirm its principled and firm position on the Palestinian issue and the right of its people to establish their state with its capital – Jerusalem.

Iraq voted in favor of the decision to stop the war against Gaza.



Ahmed Kane is an entertainment reporter who loves to cover the latest news in the world. He's passionate about bringing people the latest and greatest in entertainment.

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