Israel announces the completion of barrier around Gaza


Israel IsraelIsrael announced on Tuesday the completion of the construction of the barrier, which it described as ‘smart security’, in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip , in the presence of the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the IDF’s General Staff, the Director General of the Ministry of Defense, and other high-ranking officials in the Ministry and the IDF. The idea of building the tunnel came after the Palestinian militants tunneled into Israel and clashed with Israeli troops during a war in 2014.

A spokesman of the Israeli Defense Ministry said that the barrier includes underground sensors, a smart fence above the ground that’s more than 6 meters high, a sea barrier that includes means to detect intrusion at sea, a remote-controlled weapon system, a set of radars and cameras, in addition to command and control rooms. He stated that more than 1,200 workers participated in its construction, and 140,000 tons of iron and steel were used in building the barrier.

He pointed out that ‘the wall was jointly planned and built by the Ministry of Defense and the Israeli army.’ A spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister tweeted : ‘After 3 years and the half , the smart security barrier surrounding the Gaza Strip has been accomplished , extending over a length of 65 km to protect itself from any attacks .’



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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