Israeli Filmmakers Urge Hamas to Free Hostages


As time ticks away and Israel’s war against Hamas goes into yet another day, Israeli filmmakers are urging the Palestine-based militant group to release more than 200 hostages its holding captive. In an open letter, the Israeli film industry have urged the international community to overcome polarization and rally in the name of humanity.

Joseph Cedar, Israeli film director and screenwriter, is alarmed about pro-Hamas demonstrations in Europe and the US. He believes pro-Palestine protests are in fact a show of support for Hamas, thus he calls it pro-Hamas.

Ceder feels there has never been a closer link between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. “They are in fact one and the same. It is both genuinely terrifying and also a visceral call for action.”

‘Bring Them Home Now’ Israeli Hostages

Families in Israel’s Tel Aviv gathered to protest for the return of their loved ones who are being held by Hamas in Gaza. Only four hostages have been released so far – two elderly Israeli women, as well as an Israeli American mother and daughter.

Noa Regev, the Israel Film Fund CEO and artistic director, says the deluge of horrifying war images to which they are all exposed cannot capture the magnitude of the tragedy. He shared that the one of the memorable moments of this week was the release of Yocheved Lifshitz – an 85-year-old woman who endured unimaginable hardships.

“Lifshitz and her husband were kidnapped by Hamas from their home on October 7, but upon her release after 17 days in captivity, she chose to extend her hand as a gesture of peace in the face of evil and said ‘Shalom’.”

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Rally Together to Free Hostages

The Israeli film industry in the open letter called upon people and the international community to rally with Israel. “Rally with us in the name of humanity, to make the highest efforts to bring about the release of over 200 Israeli civilians, held as hostages by the Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

“Among those who have been abducted are babies, children and orphans. Grandparents, holocaust survivors, people who are sick and in urgent need of medical care and medication. It is a living nightmare for them, their families and our community.”

The filmmakers called for governments, politicians and leaders to be pressured from all sides, in an effort to safely bring the hostages home.



Sulaiman keeps an important eye on domestic and international politics while he has mastered history.

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