Middle East

After anti-aircraft fire, Israel strikes Syria, killing a soldier.

Syria– An Israeli military spokesman refused to comment on reports that Israel had launched a missile strike against Syria. Syrian state television said that a

Middle East

An investigation into alleged police usage of Pegasus spyware is underway in Israel

Israel– According to the newspaper, phone intercepts were used to target entrepreneurs, lawmakers, activists, even Netanyahu’s son. After a publication reported that police had employed

Middle East

Iraq: Delay in Election of a New President

Iraq– On Sunday, Iraq’s Supreme Court blocked a former foreign minister’s presidential campaign on bribery charges, and many MPs announced they would boycott a Monday

Middle East

As the deadline for the nuclear deal approaches, the US restores Iran’s Sanctions Waiver

Iran– As the Biden administration tries to win a return to the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran, the US is lifting sanctions on Iran’s civil

Middle East

Egypt is concerned about wheat availability as the Ukraine conflict worsens

Egypt–Egypt claims that if wheat supplies from Ukraine halt, the current Russian-Ukrainian situation will not affect the country’s wheat supply for at least six months.

Middle East

Special US Forces launch a big attack on Syria’s northwestern provinces

Syria– According to the Pentagon, US special forces carried out a counter-terrorism mission near the Turkish border in opposition-held northwestern Syria. The mission was successful,

Middle East

Qatar and the Taliban have reached an agreement to resume Afghanistan evacuations

Qatar– President Joe Biden recently designated Qatar as a key non-NATO partner of the United States. Qatar’s government has secured an agreement with the Taliban

Middle East

Iran’s Parliament has been suspended after 47 legislators tested positive for the COVID virus

Iran–The Iranian parliament’s public sessions have been halted because at least 47 parliamentarians have contracted Covid-19, with a dozen of them being hospitalized. On Monday,

Middle East

Progress made on talks over Afghanistan airports with Qatar, Turkey

Afghanistan– The Taliban-led government in Afghanistan has reached an agreement with a joint Qatari and Turkish venture on the details of aviation security. The Ministry

Middle East

Afghan affairs more of Iran and Russia’s concern now

Afghanistan–Afghanistan is one such country whose control can never be called solely on oneself. It has its affairs controlled by countries like Iran, Russia and