Middle East

UN Security Council Condemns Terrorist Assault in Iraq

Iraq– Alleged Daesh terrorists shot and killed at least 11 Iraqi soldiers during their sleep last Friday . The United Nations Security Council has unanimously

Middle East

Turkish Cypriots cast their Ballots after a Campaign Dominated by Economic Crisis

Turkey– After a campaign driven by the economic crisis, Turkish Cypriots voted in a quick legislative election in the northern part of the Mediterranean island

Middle East

Sanctions imposed on Hezbollah financiers in Lebanon

Lebanon– This week, the US Treasury Department issued further penalties against Hezbollah financiers, identifying a fundraising network located in Zambia and Lebanon. Adnan Ayad and

Middle East

Libya: Central bank will unify after being torn by civil war

Libya– Libya’s central bank said , on Thursday, that it has begun the process of reunification following years of division during the country’s civil conflict.

Middle East

Egypt Backs Somalia to Counter Turkey’s Growing Influence

Somalia– To offset the Turkish and Ethiopian presence in Mogadishu, Egypt is attempting to expand its influence in Somalia and assist the Somali government in

Middle East

Sound Bombs Rock Private Iraqi Banks To Disturb Democracy

Iraq–Iraq city was rocked by sound bombs that went off simultaneously in two banks in Baghdad. Both banks sustained material damage with minimal loss of

Middle East

Confrontation Arises upon the evacuation of another Palestinian Family in Sheikh Jarrah

Palestine–On Monday, Palestinians were locked in a tense confrontation with Israeli security personnel in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, who were attempting to evict a family.

Middle East

Lebanon: New Obstacles Arise amid Economic Crisis

Lebanon–Hezbollah and Amal parties in Lebanon have agreed to end their boycott of Cabinet meetings in order to discuss the 2022 budget. However, one economist

Middle East

Yemen: War in Marib intensifies amid Houthis Advances through out the province

Yemen– Yemen’s brutal conflict is escalating once more, with the United Nations warning of catastrophic implications. Since government forces conquered neighboring Shabwa province last week,

Middle East

Egypt considers acting as a mediator in the Sudan crisis.

Sudan– Egypt has urged all parties in Sudan’s political dispute to participate in the selection of a new, consensual transitional prime minister in order to