North Korea Is The Next Big Nuclear Threat To The World


Nothing of what the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un does shows that he believes in building diplomatic relations with other countries. In an aggressive statement, he has ordered his government to be ready for confrontation with the United States’ government.

This development comes as the Biden administration and other like-minded leaders of the western world urge North to abandon its nuclear programme and enter into a dialogue instead.

Mr. Un is more inclined to enter into conflict that dialogue is what has been his running message through his tenure as the supreme leader of North Korea. Also, he wants US to give up its policy against the North Korea which he considers is hostile. In response, Mr. Un is going to continue to ramp up its nuclear power.

In a closed-door meeting, he is said to have discussed the US policy development and decided that North Korea will have to step up its plans to protect its sovereignty. He has made it sound as if it is important to maintain nuclear weapon power to protect their own nation.

In 2018-19, Kim had held a series of summits with former US President Donald Trump. In those sessions, to discussed his only agenda of advancing nuclear arsenal. But their negotiations fell apart after Trump rejected Kim’s calls for extensive sanctions relief in return for a partial surrender of his nuclear capability.

America on its part now, is looking at a middle ground between Obama’s patience with Un’s nuclear arsenal collecting madness and Trump’s volatile meetings. Kim has already threatened to enlarge his nuclear arsenal and build high-tech weapons targeting the U.S. mainland.

Meanwhile a group of Group of Seven wealthy nations have issued a statement calling for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the verifiable and irreversible abandonment North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. They called on North Korea to engage and resume dialogue and respect human rights conditions.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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