Turkey, Syria, Greece
News World

Turkey uses international media as a propaganda tool and pushes refugees to the closed borders

In a pandemic, when the whole world is in crisis and uncertainty, Turkey is trying to use the political and economic levers of influence for…

Turkey , Cronaviru , Covid19 Erdogan
Middle East News World

Erdogan: Turkey does not intend to annex parts of Syrian territory.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on Greece to “open doors” for immigrants who crowd the borders of the two countries after Ankara opened their…

The politician also criticized the actions of the Greek authorities in relation to refugees trying to enter the territory of this country from Turkey. “Any disproportionate use
News World

Headline Erdogan discusses migration agreement with EU leaders

The EU and Turkey on March 9 discussed ways to address the shortcomings of the migration agreement between Brussels and Ankara on March 18, 2016.…

At the same time, neither Sofia nor Athens has yet confirmed the penetration of a large number of illegal migrants on their territory.
News World

Erdogan opened the border for refugees. What EU should expect?

Erdogan claims that Turkish border guards allowed 76,000 migrants into the EU, while in Greece and Bulgaria these data do not yet confirm.  Ankara said…

Turkey , Cronaviru , Covid19 Erdogan
Middle East News

Erdogan: Turkey will not stop refugees from Syria seeking to enter Europe

Turkish authorities have decided not to stop Syrian refugees who seek to enter Europe by sea or land.  The Turkish police, coast guard and border…