SAP Discovery Day: Empowering Kuwait’s Digital Future


Senior government officials, corporate executives, and strategic thinkers gathered in Kuwait for the SAP Discovery Day with a focus on cultivating local technology talent, transforming businesses in the cloud, constructing resilient supply chains, and growing sustainable firms. The relationship between SAP and Google Cloud, funded by the Kuwaiti government, to help Kuwaiti businesses undergo digital transformations was also highlighted.

Digital Transformation Initiatives

Kuwaiti enterprises will have the chance to embrace SAP’s acceleration programmes, RISE with SAP or GROW with SAP, to ease their transfer to the secure and dependable Google Cloud platform with the opening of Google Cloud’s local data centre. Through these initiatives, businesses will be able to take advantage of SAP’s extensive suite of cloud products, which includes AI and automation, sustainability indicators, and data analytics.

Speakers at the event focused on sustainability and infrastructure security while highlighting the revolutionary impact of technology in several industries, including energy and water. Collaboration between the public and business sectors was emphasised to quicken Kuwait’s transition to the digital age.

Importance of Digital Workforce Development

The SAP Discovery Day highlighted the importance of nurturing homegrown technology talent. Through programs like SAP University Alliances, SAP Dual Study Program, and SAP Young Professionals Program, SAP demonstrated its dedication to developing young people. These programs offer instruction and training in intelligent enterprise and the experience economy to create a workforce that is digitally oriented and sustainable.

Collaboration with Germany

The event also emphasised the strong bilateral relations between Kuwait and Germany, where SAP has its headquarters. The German ambassador to Kuwait stressed his support for SAP’s essential role in advancing Kuwait’s digital transformation strategy and the opportunity for additional partnerships in areas including cloud computing, green technology, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things.

The significance of fostering local technology talent and company digital transformation was highlighted by SAP Discovery Day in Kuwait. The occasion showcased how SAP, Google Cloud, and the Kuwaiti government work together to support digital changes. Kuwait wants to develop into a leading digital society that will benefit its residents and encourage economic diversification by strongly emphasising technical breakthroughs and fostering public-private partnerships.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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