
Tunisian jihadists behead a shepherd on the border with Algeria

Security officials and residents confirmed to “The Arab Posts” that, a few days ago, armed militants kidnapped a young shepherd in the Tunis mountains near


Winds of revolution in Tunisia

Every year in December, the spectre of the Revolution in Tunisia reappears, recalling the spirit that inspired the jasmine revolution in 2011. This year, however,

Middle East

Ninja Hellfire, the top-secret American missile to kill Al Qaeda leaders in Syria

US Special Operations Forces nearly two weeks ago killed a Qaeda leader in north-western Syria. Local and international media confirmed the news, but the Pentagon

Rached Ghannouchi Speaker of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People
News Politics

Tunisian political parties condemn the phone call from the President of Parliament to Serraj

A group of Tunisian political parties issued a joint statement to express their firm condemnation of the call, from the President of Ennadha and head of the Tunisian Parliament, Rashid Ghannouchi,…..

Tunisian Parliament Speaker Rashid Ghannouchi
News Politics

Suspicious agreements with Turkey and Qatar raise criticism against El Ghannouchi

Tunisian Parliament Speaker Rashid Ghannouchi and the first parliamentary bloc, Ennahdha, have come under widespread criticism for insisting on discussing two suspicious trade agreements with