Things to Consider Before Selling Your Phone


You feel the need to transition to a new Android phone and want to sell your current (also Android) phone, but you’re concerned about how to save the data on the old phone. This tutorial outlines ten essential steps to take before selling an Android smartphone. Bring both the old and new phones with you and follow our step-by-step guidance.

Backup your files

Similarly to contacts, you can also back up your messages and call logs. You may back up your messages using third-party software such as SMS Backup and Restore. You may build a backup of your texts on Google Drive and restore them to your new phone from there. The same application may also be used to back up your call logs.

You may choose for a Cloud backup with Google Photos, Google Drive, Microsoft’s OneDrive, DropBox, or any other dependable Cloud service, or you can move the media files to an external hard drive or SSD.

​Log out from and remove all accounts before factory reset

 A factory reset will delete all data on a mobile device, but it will not lock you out of your Google account (s). Ensure that you have logged out of any Google and other internet accounts prior to doing a factory reset. You may check for logged-in accounts by Googling “accounts” in your phone’s settings or by navigating to “Accounts” in your Gmail settings.

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Remove Sim Card

 This goes without saying, but do not forget to remove your SIM card. Before doing a factory reset, ensure that your Android device is secured. If not, you may manually do it using your phone’s settings. Encryption makes it extremely difficult for someone to access your phone’s data after a factory reset. The majority of new Android phones are already encrypted, however older models are not.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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