Tunisia, president Kais Saied responds to the Brotherhood’s false news and accusations


In a meeting with the Government Cabinet, the President of the Tunisian Republic Kais Saied denied the false news circulated in the media and the accusations made by the Muslim Brotherhood. The Islamist party Ennahdha, a local terrorist group operating under the political legitimacy of Parliament, controlled by President Rachid Ghannouchi, already suspected of being behind numerous terrorist attacks, had accused the President of the Republic of organizing a coup.

In the same context, the Tunisian parliament denied this morning that it had received official requests for the waiver of the parliamentary immunity of some deputies. The vice-president of the Assembly of Representatives (ARP), in charge of relations with the media and communication, Maher Mahjoub, told the Tunisian press agency “Tap.” Al Medhioub confirmed that “after verification with the competent administrative structures of the parliament, it emerged that we have not received” any such request. Al Medhioub’s statement comes hours after a speech by the President of the Republic, Kais Saied, during his meeting at the Carthage palace with the Prime Minister, Hichem Mechichi, and the Minister of Defense, Ibrahim Al Bartaji, in which he revealed that “the Ministry of Justice has presented 25 requests for the waiver of immunity to the Parliament regarding the deputies”. Media financed by Turkey and Qatar have published a false document, accusing President Kais Saied of having thought of a “soft coup”, complete with the arrest of Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi and the president of parliament and leader of the Islamist party Ennahda Rached Ghannouchi.

For months, the President of the Republic has refused to recognize the government reshuffle approved by Parliament or to proceed with the oath of 11 new ministers, in compliance with the Tunisian Constitution. The law provides that until the ministers take the oath they will not be able to carry out the tasks envisaged by their role, however, the government has not been able to appeal to the Constitutional Court as it has not yet been appointed and its members endorsed by the president himself.

The fact is that from the document it appears that Saied’s top advisers would have recommended him to take direct control of the country, grappling with the pandemic crisis, the economic one, and a heavy debt with international actors.

The Islamic media have stated that a letter addressed to the presidential chief of staff Nadia Akacha would result in a plan that would have consisted in summoning Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi and the President of Parliament Rached Ghannouchi to the palace in Carthage and then proceeding with their arrest. Subsequently, the handcuffs on the wrists of politicians and entrepreneurs would have been triggered, and the president would have appealed to an article of the Constitution on the emergency and the danger for the state to take control.

The President of the Republic strongly denied these unfounded accusations, explaining that the country is already applying Article 80 of the Constitution, which governs the state of emergency in force for years after the first terrorist attacks covered up by Ghannouchi’s party. The lies ​​are the latest attempt by the Muslim Brotherhood to destabilize the North African country, in an attempt to overthrow the institutions and the constitution.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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