Turkey prevents EU arms embargo check on vessel near Libya

Despite the corona virus pandemic reeling its ugly head, the International Monetary Fund is estimated an increase of 4 percent economic growth in Middle East.

The flipside of this will also be soaring inflation and food prices. All oil importing countries will see a 17percent inflation, according to a latest report released by IMF. World over, there is a general increase in inflation rates due to the shortage of supplies. This will primarily be difficult for struggling nations like Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan that are caught in a rigmarole of

Food prices have soared to their highest level since 2014, with an expected increase of nearly 28 percent in 2021. Oil prices have also risen, with Brent crude trading recently at nearly $85 a barrel — levels not seen since 2014. While a positive sign for exporters like Iraq, Libya and Gulf Arab states, this is a costly spike for importers.

According to IMF director of the Middle East and Central Asia, Jihad Azour, “The most vulnerable will be lower income groups. Policies should have the right mix to ensure there is no adverse effect on such groups.”

Since 2020, some seven million people have been forced below poverh Republic.

Greece and Italy signed a Memorandum of Understanding, creating an exclusive economic zone in the Mediterranean to push back the Turkish policy of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Ankara is also sanctioned by EU for its blackmailing using migrants and refugees. The Turkish regime is deeply involved in the Libyan conflict, supporting the Tripoli-based Government of Fayez al-Serraj and Fathi Pashagha.

Along with military and Defense systems, Turkish officials and mercenaries, Erdogan transferred to Libya thousands of Syrian fighters, including terrorists and 150 children. Those mercenaries without military training are responsible of horrendous crimes against civilians. EU member States, in particular Italy, are now concerned that Syrians extremists can reach European coasts, infiltrating between migrants departing from the North African Country out of control.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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