UN Appeals For Fight Against Sexual War Crimes


Yemen YemenDespite of regular efforts by the UN, war related sexual violence still persists in middle east. UN has made an appeal to supports its activities to stop the continuing sexual violence in the region. Among the other violent activities in middle east, sexual violence has been the most challenging for women in the region. This week the UN Security council adopted Resolution 2624. As per this resolution they have described the Houthi militia in Yemen as a “terrorist group”, responsible for the sexual violence and repression against the politically active and professional women.

As per reports from UNSC, Houthi’s are mainly responsible for the “sexual and gender-based violence”, especially in the detention facilities. The report also cited the pressing need for protection of women rights and necessary actions to protect women and girls in refugee camps and elsewhere, also protection and assistance of survivors of sexual violence.

The UN resolution 2624 directly ropes-in all the nations as it is issued under the chapter VII of the UN charter. This resolution strongly condemns the activities of Houthi’s against the international humanitarian laws and international human rights. As per it, the Houthi’s have not only condemned the international humanitarian laws but have abused the human rights by involving in the conflict-related sexual violence in Houthi-controlled areas.”

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The five permanent members voted in the favour, when UNSC presented the resolution in the UK. All the members agreed that sexual violence in armed conflict is a violation of international law and has to be considered as a “sanctionable act” that threatens the peace, security or stability of Yemen. All the Gulf nations also support Pramila Patten, the UN’s undersecretary-general and special representative of the secretary-general on sexual violence in conflict in the region.

The cases of sexual violence increase drastically during instability and break-down of law and order in comparison to usual time. Additionally, during the times of crisis and times when masses are rendered homeless, the cases of sexual violence increase drastically. Even when peace is restored, it takes time to bring this under control due to weak law and order situation. Availability of weapons and break-down of social support system further aggravates the situation. Lack of basic resources makes the situation vulnerable for women and young girls.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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