Biden takes the lead in major states, Trump not behind


The United States may see a major power shift after Joe Biden, presidential candidate in standing against current president Donald Trump, is leading in a few major regions. It might be too soon to predict anything but keeping in view the trends, Biden sure holds better in the US

The democratic presidential candidate has registered victory in his home state of Delaware and others like Maryland, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, Virginia, Rhode Island, New Mexico, New York and New Jersey but North Carolina is what will be determining the strength that Biden has over voters.

The votes from Georgia, Ohio, Texas, and Florida are extremely crucial as the history of voters here is that they switch their selection every election. The population here does not vote for the candidate they had voted for in the previous elections. Arizona, Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are also some very crucial states which could play a decisive role in the 2020 United States Elections.

Reuters has reported that even though both the candidates are closely contesting in North Carolina and Florida, it is to be noted that Trump has a slight edge in the state while Georgia and Ohio have not shown any clear pattern.

The winner has to secure a total of 270 electoral votes and so far Biden has managed to get 82 electoral votes while Trump is lagging behind by over 20 votes. On one hand Biden has captured Washington, a district in Columbia, Trump has administrative capitals in his pocket like Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nebraska’s 3rd Congressional District, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming and West Virginia.

This time as well, Trump has won in states on which he registered victory last time. South Carolina, Kentucky, Indiana and Oklahoma or North and South Dakota are the states that have a pattern for voting for conservative/Republican candidates and thus getting votes from here was a no surprise.

The opinion polls have shown a trend towards Biden but it is hardly to be trusted after a turn around of events in 2015 when opinion polls showed drift towards Clintn but Trump emerged as the winner. However, in presidential debates, Trump was repeatedly attacked by Biden on grounds of mishandling coronavirus and putting people’s lives on stake. It is only a matter of time when the US sees either a Trump wave onec again or a new face in the form of Biden.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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