israeli palestinian conflict to be altered by biden and mohammed bin salman

Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be altered by Biden and Mohammed bin Salman

Israel, the Palestinians, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Saudi Arabia all support the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel as a result of

Biden, Netanyahu Discuss Tense Situation In Rafah

Biden, Netanyahu Discuss Tense Situation In Rafah, Gaza On Phone Call

In a recent phone call, U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the tense situation in Rafah, Gaza.  This 45-minute call,

biden forcing israel to end the war
Middle East

The Pros and Cons of Biden Forcing Israel to End the War

The war between Israel and Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, has been raging since October 7, 2024, when Hamas launched a surprise attack

biden's decision to strike the houthis (1)

How Biden’s Decision to Strike the Houthis Reflects his Strategy and Vision for Iran and the Middle East

President Joe Biden ordered a series of strikes against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen on January 11, 2024, in response to their unprecedented attacks


Biden considering to tag Houthi rebels as an international terrorist organization

Yemen–The aggression that Houthi rebels have been showing the Arab world, the United States might have finally decided to re-designating Yemen’s Houthi militia as an


Rohani: if Joe Biden returns, Iran goes back to the nuclear agreement

The new Biden administration took office a few hours ago, and they already held the first press conference. The new White House spokesperson, Jen Psaki,


Joe Biden is set to reverse multiple Trump’s orders on climate, travel ban, Iran

Joe Biden is all set to enter the White House on January 20 with blazing guns. President-elect Biden has plans to sign a good dozen


Trump and King Mohammed VI of Morocco awarded each other medals for their “positive influence” in the Middle East

Outgoing US President Donald Trump has awarded King Mohammed VI of Morocco the Order of Merit of First Degree for his “positive influence” on the


Pompeo cancels Europe Trip in the zero hours as EU leaders decline to meet him

Top EU authorities are declining to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, as per Reuters, prompting the cancelation of his scheduled diplomatic trip


US, Israel must jointly address Iran’s nuclear programme

With days left for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, Iran appears to be building a nuclear crisis in the Middle East region. The Iranian government recently