the biden doctrine

The Biden Doctrine: How and When it will Affect the Middle East

The Biden doctrine is the foreign policy approach of President Joe Biden, who took office in January 2021. The doctrine is based on four main

2024 us presidential election

Trump Is Not Going Away: How Biden Is Preparing for a Rematch in 2024

Donald Trump, the former president who was impeached twice and lost the popular vote twice, is still the dominant force in the Republican Party and


Twitter must act against Iranian Supreme Leader’s account

Donald Trump’s Twitter and Facebook ban in the aftermath of the violence at the US Capitol Hill has triggered a relevant debate around the need


Rohani: if Joe Biden returns, Iran goes back to the nuclear agreement

The new Biden administration took office a few hours ago, and they already held the first press conference. The new White House spokesperson, Jen Psaki,

Middle East

Houthis terror escalates humanitarian crisis in Yemen, officials accuse militia group of stealing food

Last week, the US administration designated Yemen’s Houthi group as foreign terrorist organization (FTO). The move came after series of violent attacks, and blocking and


Joe Biden is set to reverse multiple Trump’s orders on climate, travel ban, Iran

Joe Biden is all set to enter the White House on January 20 with blazing guns. President-elect Biden has plans to sign a good dozen


Trump and King Mohammed VI of Morocco awarded each other medals for their “positive influence” in the Middle East

Outgoing US President Donald Trump has awarded King Mohammed VI of Morocco the Order of Merit of First Degree for his “positive influence” on the


Pompeo cancels Europe Trip in the zero hours as EU leaders decline to meet him

Top EU authorities are declining to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, as per Reuters, prompting the cancelation of his scheduled diplomatic trip


Yemen: The United States to classify the Houthi militia as a terrorist group

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced late Sunday that the United States will designate the Houthi rebels in Yemen as a terrorist group. Observers


Iran threatens to expel UN monitors if US don’t’ lifts sanctions

Iran has publicly stated that it will expel UN nuclear monitoring inspectors if US sanctions are not lifted by February 21. This comes just a