A Tour Of India’s New Parliament, Project Central Vista

The new Parliament building has larger halls that are themed after India’s national flower and bird. The structure is outfitted with cutting-edge communication technologies and infrastructure. You’ve probably heard enough about the new Parliament building, so here’s a virtual tour of it.
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It is larger and unquestionably superior. The new Parliament building is a visual treat. Not only does the aesthetic appeal stand out, but so does the concept. We’ve had enough of hearing about the new Parliament building. Here’s how it appears and why it was designed the way it was.
According to the government, the Parliament House has served as “the temple of national discussions” in the world’s largest democracy.
Parliament has been the place where the destiny of the country has been shaped. Landmark bills have been introduced here, leading to the nation’s growth into a strong, confident economy over the last 75 years.
There are memories attached to the old building, just as there are hopes and dreams attached to the new building.
Even after the new Parliament building is inaugurated, the old and new buildings will function as a unit to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of parliamentary operations.
On December 10, 2020, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the cornerstone for the new Parliament Building in Delhi. The prime minister also officiated at the building’s groundbreaking ceremony.
The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha both passed resolutions urging the government to build a new Parliament building.
Over time, parliamentary activities and the number of people working in both houses have increased, according to the government.
Furthermore, the existing Parliament building showed signs of distress and over-utilization, and it was unable to meet current space, amenities, and technology requirements.
The following factors influenced the construction of a new Parliament building:
Limited seating capacity –
The current Lok Sabha and Central Hall are at capacity and cannot be expanded further. There are insufficient ministerial offices and facilities, such as meeting rooms, dining rooms, and press rooms.
Distressed infrastructure –
Over the years, the structure has been severely damaged by many haphazard additions and alterations.
Outdated communication infrastructure –
The building’s electrical, mechanical, air-conditioning, lighting, audio-visual, acoustic, public address system, and security infrastructure are all outdated and in need of replacement.
Safety concerns –
The structure’s structural strength is unknown due to a lack of proper documentation and drawings. It cannot be certified as earthquake-resistant. Furthermore, fire safety is a major concern because the building was not designed following modern fire standards. In the event of an emergency, evacuation plans are woefully inadequate and dangerous.
The new Parliament building will be built alongside the old one and will have a built-up area of approximately 65,000 square meters.
The new Parliament building’s triangular shape maximizes space utilization.
A larger Lok Sabha floor –
As a result of the theme of the national bird, the peacock, the Lok Sabha will be three times larger, with 888 seats.
A larger Rajya Sabha floor –
The revamped Rajya Sabha hall, themed after our national flower, the lotus, will seat 384 people.
Parliament that saves energy –
The new Sansad Bhavan will represent India’s dedication to environmental sustainability, the government claims.
A larger Constitutional hall –
The Constitutional Hall will be larger than the one currently in use by the Parliament.
Having stated the reasons for the need for a new Parliament building, the new Parliament building would also have larger meeting and conference spaces.
Here are the features of the new Parliament building.
Large office spaces –
The new Parliament building will have offices that are secure, efficient, and comfortable.
Large committee rooms with advanced audio-visual systems –
Large committee rooms with cutting-edge audio-visual systems will be found in the new structure. Greater efficiency will be facilitated and delivered by the spaces that are practical and specifically designed for the new Parliament building.
Revamped Sansad Bhavan –
According to the government, the new Sansad Bhavan at the newly constructed Parliament will contribute to economic revitalization throughout the construction value chain. It would also help to create jobs for skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers.
Disabled-accessible –
The New Parliament Building will be “divyang-friendly,” or accessible to people with disabilities.
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In the courtyard, a banyan tree-
The open courtyard, which will have the Banyan tree, the national tree of Indonesia, will be complemented by the Central Lounge.