Al Marmoom: Film In The Desert Festival Showcases Over 70 Movies In Dubai

film in the desert festival

The “Al Marmoom: Film in the Desert” festival is happening now in Dubai. It’s a big event for movies, happening in the Al Marmoom Desert. Dubai Culture, the group organizing it, is showing over 70 movies. 

These include films made in the Emirates and other places, plus a special movie called “Wild Dubai.” Dubai Media is supporting the event. They’re promoting new filmmakers from the Emirates and supporting Dubai’s creative work.

There’s a digital platform called “Awaan” that’s covering the festival. They have special reports, interviews, and videos. They’re focusing on films from here and nearby regions. They will cover everything at the festival, like movie showings, talks, and workshops, until the end. 

They will also announce winners of the “Al Marmoom Short Film Competition.” This competition has three types of movies: animation, documentaries, and live-action. Experts from the Emirates and other places are judging it.

Some journalists from Dubai Media, like Ahmed Abdullah, Ayoub Youssef, and Ibrahim Estadi, are leading discussions at the festival. There’s also a special area for kids called “Awan Kids”. It shows movies and dramas for children.

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Khadija Al Marzouqi from Dubai Post talks about the festival’s importance. She says it helps Emirati and regional filmmakers and makes the cultural scene in Dubai richer. It brings together many talented people and lets people learn about different cultures. This is good for both adults and children.

Heba Al-Samat from “Awaan” will speak in a session today about how digital platforms help the film and content industry. She says “Awan” is doing well in making and showing good media content. 

It offers a variety of shows, movies, and documentaries from many places. “Awan Kids” is also important as it provides good content for young viewers in a safe way.

The festival started with Arab stars and directors. It runs for 10 days and shows 70 short films, seminars, and workshops. It’s a place for filmmakers to show their work and grow. The festival also includes art exhibitions and performances that show Emirati culture and heritage.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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