Alliance: ISIS remnants still present in the Syrian desert and valleys.
Roshan Amiri
- . September 29, 2021
. Update: March 13, 2020 12:08 pm
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organization. “
According to
the spokesperson, the international coalition has succeeded in its mission by
eliminating ISIS through cooperation and coordination for more than 5 years
with their allies.
extremist organization has controlled large areas of Syria and Iraq over the
past years before the international coalition partners were able to regain
control of more than 30,000 km in which millions of people lived in both
He left
behind many problems, most notably the former fighters held in the prisons of
the SDF and their families residing in camps in its regions.
The speaker
said in this regard that “the SDF is doing exceptional work with thousands
of detained members of the organization who come from more than 50
countries.” He added that “the problem of these detainees is truly
international and needs global efforts and the SDF is doing a lot of physical
and material effort to implement This mission and to keep these fighters in
prison. “
He added, “The international coalition is assisting the SDF with limited instructions to secure prisons and camps inhabited by the families of ISIS fighters.”
He also stressed that “the mission of the coalition is limited to areas located south of the border with Turkey, mainly within the provinces of Hassakeh and Deir Al-Zour, where we focus on the continuity of the operations of the SDF against ISIS and its financing, and this partnership will continue to fight the organization and protect oil installations.”