Turkey “warning shot” with the hands of Azerbaijan towards Armenia and Russia

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 Turkey has repeatedly tried to become one of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, but always unsuccessfully, Safrastyan recalled.  “Armenia does not recognize Turkey’s mediation.  The Turks themselves know this, and all their activity, including meetings with the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group and statements, are related to demonstrate their activity in the region.  This, in fact, is a trick of eastern diplomacy: to declare a lot in order to try to get certain dividends against this background, ”the expert emphasized.

 The events in Syria can directly affect the situation in the South Caucasus, said March 5, Chief of the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Artak Davtyan.  Answering a question about the possible aggravation of Russian-Turkish relations due to military operations in the north-west of Syria, the Armenian commander assured that the leadership of the Transcaucasian republic is closely monitoring the events in Syrian Idlib.  “In addition, we are constantly in touch with our Russian partners … We work together to receive first-hand information,” Davtyan said.  According to him, the Armenian Ministry of Defense believes that the situation in Idlib may have a direct connection with further processes in the South Caucasus.

Against the backdrop of Russian-Turkish contradictions in Syrian Idlib, Ankara may once again try to aggravate the situation in the South Caucasus, in the Karabakh conflict zone, pushing Azerbaijan to escalate in the region.  Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Ruben Safrastyan expressed this opinion on March 2.  The Armenian Turkologist recalled the recent visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Baku, where new agreements on military cooperation with Azerbaijan were signed.  Erdogan made quite aggressive anti-Armenian statements there, claiming that “Karabakh is Azerbaijan.”  According to Safrastyan, the events of April 2016 in Karabakh, which, according to many observers, were largely the result of the confrontation between Moscow and Ankara in Syria, are fresh in memory.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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