Arab Countries Count on China to Bring Peace in Gaza

Arab Countries Count on China to Bring Peace in Gaza

With the US supporting Israel in the Gaza war, Arab countries have turned to China to help negotiate entry of humanitarian aid and peace into the devastated territory. Officials and leaders from Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, among other countries held meetings with the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing on Monday.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud reiterated the call for immediate ceasefire. “We are here to send a clear signal, that is we must immediately stop the fighting and the killings, we must immediately deliver humanitarian supplies to Gaza.”

Sameh Shoukry, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, made a similar statement and highlighted the need for great powers like China to take up a stronger role in order to stop the attacks against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. He expressed dismay in major countries like the US and Britain, as well as broader Europe in giving cover to the current Israeli attacks.

China, Brother of Arab Countries

Reiterating China’s call for an immediate ceasefire, Wang said the international community must act urgently, take effective measures to prevent the tragedy from spreading. He highlighted that China firmly stands with justice and fairness in this conflict. “Beijing is a good friend and brother of Arab and Muslim countries. It always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights and interests.”

The Chinese diplomat pointed out the urgency of fully implementing the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly. He said a ceasefire is no longer a diplomatic statement, but a key to the survival of the people of Gaza. “Israel should stop collective punishment against the people of Gaza, and open a humanitarian corridor as soon as possible to prevent a wider humanitarian disaster.”

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China Peacemaking Efforts

China has been consistent and constructive in brokering peace in the Middle East. It strives to boost global unity and discourages moves that worsen the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Li Shaoxian, director of Ningxia University’s China-Arab Institute, said the latest conflict escalation in Gaza serves as living proof to the whole world that the Middle East will not enjoy real, tangible peace as long as the Palestine question is not completely resolved.

He said China has helped make possible the booming reconciliation drives in the Middle East region. “China has been a consistent and constant driving force constructively making peace and building a stable, peaceful environment.” Arab countries have high hopes on China as in March Beijing helped broker an agreement wherein Saudi Arabia and Iran normalized ties after seven years of tension.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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