Are shipments arriving at Gaza from Egypt a sign of Cairo taking over the disputed region?


Since the last few months, the Gaza Strip has been in the news for all the wrong news. Last Friday, there were many shipments that were seen arriving from Egypt and that made a lot of Palestinians in the region wonder if this is a sign of Egypt taking control of the region once again.

Those living in the area feel that just like they took over the area between 1948 to 1967, it might be possible that Egypt is returning to take over. After the large-scale damage caused due to the Israeli missile attack and Hamas destruction, some of the countries have stepped in to help rebuild the region.

Egypt is also among those nations. The Egyptian president Abdel Fattah Sisi had earlier announced that Egypt will be helping the most affected parts of the region by pledging $500 million which will be contributed to rebuilding the houses, school buildings and essential facilities that were destroyed last month.

Read more : Egypt to pay yearly fees of 22 WDO member states

As per the insiders, an Egyptian team is present at the scene to do the construction work and their presence at the Gaza strip indicates that they might be looking at an opportunity to start government the region. Other than this, this also indicates that external forces in Palestine such as Hamas may not be carrying out executions or rocket tracks on Israel.

In a Jerusalem Post report, a source talked about how it will be harder for Hamas to initiate another round of fighting if Egyptians continue to be at the site. “If Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad start firing rockets at Israel while the Egyptian construction teams are working in the Gaza Strip, the two groups will get into trouble with Egypt,” the source concluded.

After the ceasefire was finalised, the Egyptian authorities had warned Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar that the development projects will be affected. It made it clear that if Hamas does anything to affect the people in the region, Egypt will not back down and stop all the in process projects.

Arab League had formed an ‘All Palestine Government’ during Egypt’s stint. But despite that, the Egypt administration had continued to control the region until 1967. After this, a former Palestinian journalist asserted, “ There are many rumors that the Egyptians are planning to return to the Gaza Strip.”

People on ground are almost sure that this is going to happen as the construction work has already started as with the interaction of the workers, it was clear that they are here to stay.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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