Australia classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization, and the Palestinian Embassy Responds

Palestine– The Australian government announced Thursday that it will classifies “Hamas” as a terrorist organization. The Palestinian embassy in Australia has expressed its rejection of the Australian government’s decision to consider Hamas a ‘terrorist’ movement, stressing that it reflects double standards.
The Australian federal government had earlier incorporated Hamas’ military wing in the lists of terrorism, but is now expanding classification to include the political branch of the movement. Thus, Australia will join the United Kingdom, the United States and others in designating the ‘Hamas’ movement, with its military and political wings, as a terrorist organization.
Australian Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews said: ‘The views of Hamas and other violent extremist groups that have been included in the list today are deeply disturbing, and there is no place in Australia for their hateful ideologies.’ This measure will place restrictions on Hamas’ funding and any kind of support for it, and some activities related to the movement may carry a sentence of up to 25 years in prison. “It is imperative that our laws target not only terrorist activities and terrorists, but also the organizations that plan, finance and carry out these acts,” Andrews said. ‘There is no place in Australia for their hateful ideologies,’ she said.
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The Palestinian Embassy said : “Unfortunately this decision comes at a time when nothing has been made to condemn or face escalating violence for Israeli extremists, who have committed terrorist acts against the Palestinian people in the occupied territories (West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalia) 1967 ‘.
“Australia has given green light for extreme Zionist groups to work freely on its territory side by side with some Australian citizens to raise funds for illegal settlements and recruit soldiers for the Israeli occupation army, as Australia has a clear pattern of anti-Palestinian vote, including vote against our right to report Fate. Australia can not be seen as a neutral partner for peace and stability with these double standards.”
The embassy expressed its surprise from the Australian point of view, because the government still did not recognize the State of Palestine and the right of the Palestinian people in self-determination. The embassy stressed that it was also important to reconsider the damage done to Australians of Palestinian origins , Arabs, and Muslims who are witnessing the rejection of their government to take a fair approach.