Articles By This Author

nuclear sites

Tehran needs to explain the three ‘secret’ nuclear sites having uranium presence

Iran– After release of a critical report by IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), the United Nations nuclear watchdog, Tehran has been demanded to explain how


New Daesh leader captured in Istanbul raid by Turkey

Turkey-The local media in Turkey has claimed that the country has captured new leader of Deash, also known as Islamic State group, in a raid


Iraq passes law that makes relations with Israel a punishable offense

Iraq– On Thursday, the Parliament of Iraq passed a new law that makes holding contact with Israel a punishable offense, can also lead to death


What is Sand Diplomacy that Iran, Iraq, and other regional nations have embarked upon?

Sandstorms have become a usual event in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Kuwait along with the neighbouring region. The unprecedented number of natural catastrophic events is


US slaps sanctions on Hamas finance official and facilitating network

United States–On Tuesday, the Treasury Department of United States slapped sanctions on the Hamas group. The targeted entities include a finance official of the group


Sudan: Anti-coup figures of Communist Party arrested as protests continue

Sudan-On Thursday, as civil protests bolster across Khartoum and rest of Sudan against the military coup carried out in October last year and calling for


Tripoli clashes: One of rival PMs attempts to claim role, retreats soon after

Libya– One of the two rival Prime Ministers, Fathi Bashagha, entered Libyan capital city of Tripoli to claim the role. But soon after he had


Anti-regime protests in Iran spread with calls for cheaper food and change in rule

Iran– On Friday, more parts of Iran were engulfed in rising protests by the civilians who came down on the streets demanding reinstating of food


Tunisia to get ‘new republic’ as fear of new dictatorship haunt the country

Tunisia– On May 4, President Kais Saied of Tunisia had announced an establishment of national advisory committee, with aim to bring in a new republic


Anti-ISIS coalition highlights IS terror in Africa and role of Morocco to counteract it

Morocco– The anti-ISIS coalition’s annual meeting was opened in Moroccan city of Marrakech, where in the participants stressed on the continuing threat by Islamic State