France on high alert after the second terror attack

France on high alert after the second terror attack

For the subsequent time, France is confronting the terrible knife attack that government authorities are attributing to an Islamist terror attack. The French President Emmanuel Macron announces, the nation is going on a crisis alert after the killings of three individuals at the Notre Dame Basilica in the southern city of Nice. 

On Thursday morning, a man with a knife attacked two ladies and a man inside the Notre Dame before he was shot by police. As he lay injured, the Nice city Mayor said that while attacking, the assailant repeatedly chanted Allah Akbar! The French government has opened a terror investigation. 

Soon after the tragic incident, President Macron stated that if we have been attacked again, it’s due to our values, our taste for freedom, the possibility here is to not give in to any terror, and France will never give in.

The person who murdered three individuals with a knife in Nice is called Brahim Aouissaoui, a 21-year-old Tunisian migrant, the authorities stated.

No identity papers were found on Aouissaoui, when police shot and injured him after the attack in Nice, however, was carrying a paper stating his name from the Italian Red Cross. As per the investigation authorities, he had not made any case for political asylum in France.

Read More : Macron backing Prophet Muhammad’s cartoon angers the Islamic World

Aouissaoui, came to the Italian island of Lampedusa in September, when authorities placed him in quarantine before his release due to Covid-19. Later, they had ordered him to leave the Italian territory but in early October, he arrived in France and committed the crime, sources close to the probe told the AFP news. 

Thursday’s killings follow the homicide on October 16 of Samuel Patty, a school teacher in Paris. He used to teach his class students about freedom of speech by showing an example of the Charlie Hebdo magazine incident of portraying the Prophet Mohammed cartoons. 

Patty requested kids if anyone found it offending can look away or can leave the classroom. After a few days, he was decapitated by an 18-year-old Chechen refugee. Who had admitted to the killing on a social media post before getting shot by the police.

Macron had pledged after Patty’s homicide to take action against Islamist fanaticism, including closing down of mosques and different organizations for instigating radicalism and terror. 

In Islam, the visual portrayal of the Prophet is prohibited and considered blasphemy. In a discourse, Macron defended the depiction of the prophet Mohammed, which ignited objection across Muslim world and demanded boycott of French products.

Iran, Morocco, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Jordan, and Qatar alongside other Islamic countries, reprimanded President Macron for his announcement and purposely inciting Muslims.

On Sunday, Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan joined Turkish President Recep Erdogan in censuring President Macron over his recent remarks. 

“President Macron could have put a humanitarian touch and denied space to fanatics instead of making further polarization and minimization that prompts radicalization,” Khan composed on Twitter. 

According to political analysts, France is home to 5 million Muslims, as they have continued harboring a significant number of them. They live in poor areas and are marginalized in legislative issues and media. By far most of them don’t uphold Islamic radicalism. However, they regularly face discrimination. On the contrary, France frequently lauds the values of free speech and freedom to practice religion.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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