How To Get A LinkedIn Verification Badge For Free In 2023?


LinkedIn, the professional social networking platform owned by Microsoft, has launched a new verification system for its users to prove their identity and workplace without any charge.

This comes as a contrast to other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which offer paid verification systems.

According to reports, the verification process is done through CLEAR to prove the user’s identity, authenticate their workplace through an email address, and the Microsoft Entra verified ID platform for digital workplace IDs.

How Does LinkedIn’s Verification System Work?

To obtain verification, users can use their company-issued email address or enroll in Entra if their organization uses it.

Verified profiles will be marked with green and blue check marks to indicate their authenticity. However, unlike other social media platforms, there won’t be a badge that appears next to the user’s name.

Currently, identity verification via company email is available for all users working at over 4,000 supported companies.

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Microsoft will roll out Entra verification to two million members by the end of this month. This system is based on open standards and can work across human resources and identity systems.

Microsoft’s President of Identity Security, Alex Weinert, informed Verge about the increasing number of fraudulent presentations with people impersonating individuals they are not.

Why Should You Aim For LinkedIn’s Verification Badge?

The digital verified IDs can be used for background verifications, rewards programs, loan applications, and other situations where proof of workplace affiliation is required.

This system is supported by a decentralized identity and a trust model involving the issuer, holder, and the verifier.

LinkedIn believes that the verification of profiles should be free, which is why the company has made its verification system accessible to all users.

In a blog post, LinkedIn stated that its free verification model can simplify and increase the trustworthiness of digital interactions, whether involving organizations or individuals.

This new method of verification will also reduce the manual, time-consuming, and costly process of verifying a prospective employee’s identity and qualifications.

How to Verify Your LinkedIn Account & Get Verification Badge?

According to the blog post, users can verify their accounts for free using their company email address or by enrolling in Entra if their organization uses it.

To verify the account, the user must have a valid email address and certify that they can access it.

The business will send a code to the email address, which the user must enter on the platform to finish the verification process.

LinkedIn Vs. Twitter’s Verification System

Unlike LinkedIn, Twitter offers a paid verification system to its users. Twitter has set April 20 as the deadline to remove legacy blue badges.

The Twitter Blue verification has different pricing for each region. In the US, it costs $11 a month or $114.99 a year for iOS or Android users and $8 a month or $84 a year for web users.

Conclusion: LinkedIn Verification Badge

In conclusion, LinkedIn’s free verification system provides a convenient and secure way for users to prove their identity and workplace affiliation without incurring any charges.

With the new system, users can easily obtain digital workplace IDs, which can be used for various purposes.

The verification system is based on open standards, which makes it flexible and adaptable to different identity systems.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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