Iraqi Law Enforcement Forces Misused To Settle Personal Feuds
Iraq–Security forces in Iraq have again been accused of human rights violations as the massacre of 20 family members came to light. The unfortunate killings are now been seen as an urgent need for the overhaul of the Iraqi security forces.
The Iraqi security force are affiliated to the Interior Ministry. Apparently, the family was in an internal dispute. The altercation saw the play of the security forces and also how badly the money spent on their growth and development is not yielding any civilized outcome.
It is worth noting that the country does have a complex array of forces that is receives billions of dollars on its training, reform and equipment. The massacre in the small town of Jbala, south of Baghdad, was the culmination of a long-running dispute between Rahim Kadhim Al Ghrairi and his brother-in-law Shihab Al Shimmari, a colonel in the Interior Ministry’s anti-drugs department, a relative and a security official involved in the investigation.
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Apparently, the parties involved made personal use of the security forces leading to the death of one family pitted against the other in an internal dispute. The SWAT team was used and firing happened, killing women and children. Speaking over the careless and selfish use of military power, the incident has sent shock waves across Iraq and beyond. The Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor expressed “complete shock” and has therefore called for an independent investigation.
“The contradiction that prevailed in the official narrative of the incident and attempting to present it as a security treatment of a terrorist cell indicates an intention to justify or cover up the disproportionate use of force,” the group said in a statement to the media. The official statement has put emphasis on the fact that law enforcement forces should never be used to settle personal feuds especially by those that are employed within the forces themselves.