IRGC Indifferent to Iran Election, Will Not Sacrifice for Anyone

IRGC Indifferent to Iran Election, Will Not Sacrifice for Anyone

While Iranians may sacrifice themselves for the IRGC, the organization will not sacrifice itself for anyone, says IRGC Deputy Commander Ali Fadavi as Iran prepares for parliamentary election 2024. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has shaped the power structure of Iran and the level of stability and security in the region.

It rose from being the military arm of the Islamic revolution in 1979 to a major political player. But Fadavi says the IRGC is indifferent to whoever becomes Iran’s next president. The group is not even interested in the country’s parliamentary elections in March.

But the IRGC understands and recognizes the futility of holding elections. Iran opened registration for candidacy in the upcoming parliamentary elections, scheduled for March 2024, in August. But the Islamic Republic has been caught up by aftershocks of 2022’s mass protests and the war in Gaza.

Iran 2024 Election – Hope and Doubts

The past several years have been tough for Iran – western sanctions, and domestic protests. And the youngsters have lost fate in the country’s democracy, which has been taken over by hardliners. Analysts say the moderate and pro-reform politicians in Iran have lost all hopes in the competitiveness of the upcoming election. Only the hardliners and ultraconservatives seem to be taking it seriously.

Mohammad Mohajeri, conservative commentator, said major conservative groups are not keen to forge strong alliances ahead of the elections. They believe that the ultraconservative Paydari Party will betray them at the last moment as in previous elections. As such, major hardline conservative groups and parties are unlikely to present their separate list of candidates.

Mohajeri said the main competition in the parliamentary election will be between Paydari and the supporters of current Majles Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf. He highlighted that Ghalibaf will not form any coalition due to Paydari’s unpredictability.

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Challenges for Iran and IRGC

Whoever comes to power in 2024 in Iran will have to steer the country’s economy as it’s a decade behind. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had said in early 2023 that rapid growth is absolutely crucial to solve the tangible problems associated with people’s livelihood and the difficulties experienced in households.

There are also concerns about the turnout for the upcoming elections. Turnout for the 2020 parliamentary election was a dismay 42 percent, lowest since the 1979 revolution. This has to be looked out for in March as reformists are urging Iranians to stay away from the polls.



Ahmed Kane is an entertainment reporter who loves to cover the latest news in the world. He's passionate about bringing people the latest and greatest in entertainment.

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