Is Israel Going To Benefit From Netanyahu’s Comeback?


It seems as if he never went; as news travels that Benjamin Netanyahu might be coming back to power in Israel after all. The monarchic rule took time to be removed from the annals of power. But a coalition government could not hold it together so much so that Israel has had to embarrassingly see five elections in one month. All this has happened in a span of four years only.

Weekly polls have already started judging the outcome, point fingers on the failures of keeping a democracy together. But a burning question on the minds of the Western world is – is Netanyahu going to come back? Cases of corruption continue to drag along with him and remain unresolved. That is one indication to say that there seems to be no one else in the limelight to hold the country together. It is also a pity to see that Netanyahu still holds so much clout and power that he has not been persecuted for the wrongdoings he has been held responsible for, in the past.

The coalition of parties supporting Mr Netanyahu could reach the magic number of 61 Knesset seats (a simple majority) or they may secure only 59 or 60 seats bringing paralysis and calls for a sixth election. There are no current polls that give a clear 61 seats to the not-Netanyahu crowd.

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Undeniably, the coalition has always been fragile. Despite Netanyahu’s background, he holds more power to keep things together. This Change government tried to do everything that Netanyahu had not.

It followed the very same policies as the one that preceded it. In some cases, they were worse. Settlements grew and expanded; land confiscations continued, as did the release of “state lands” for the exclusive use of settlers; repression intensified, including the use of deadly force and mass arrests; provocations by settlers in Jerusalem and the West Bank were largely met with a blind eye; and policies designed to weaken the Palestinian Authority continued to be standard operating procedure.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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