The Libyan crisis parties presented a draft ceasefire agreement stipulating that the United Nations oversee the safe return of civilians displaced by the fighting. The United Nations
Middle East News

Syrian fighters in Libya to their comrades in Turkey: “Don’t come, it’s certain death

From early January to today, Turkish President and head of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist movement Recep Tayyip Erdogan has transferred thousands of Syrian fighters to

Soudan , Doha, Qatar , Muslim Brotherhood , Al-Bashiri , Culture,
Middle East News

Qatari cultural activities, the new way to infiltrate Sudan.

With the transitional authority in Sudan moving to dismantle the ties of the ousted president Omar al-Bashir to Qatar and political Islamic groups, Doha started

Middle East News

Libya: the first case of coronavirus and escalation of the conflict

On Wednesday, intense bombardment shocked the Libyan capital when new battles began around Tripoli just a few hours after Libya announced its first case of

Turkey,Hasakah ,Russia,
Middle East News

Water cutting the turkish punishment on Al-Hasakah in Syria

Pro-Ankara factions continue to cut water on the Kurdish-controlled Hasaka province and its countryside in northeastern Syria. According  to the joint water directorate in Hasaka,

Iran , Covid-19 Cronavirus
Middle East News World

In Iran, methanol is widely consumed to protect against coronavirus. About 300 people died

In Iran, locals are massively taking industrial methanol because of rumors that it can protect against coronavirus.  According to the agency, local social network accounts

Iran ,USA , sanctions , Covid-19, Rouhani, Washington,Economy,
Middle East News World

Sanctions on Iran : Rouhani trys to coax Americans.

The successive crises in Iran, which were exacerbated after the deadly Corona Virus outbreak, prompted President Hassan Rouhani to turn to the American people in

Middle East News

Qatari cultural activities, the new way to infiltrate Sudan.

With the transitional authority in Sudan moving to dismantle the ties of the ousted president Omar al-Bashir to Qatar and political Islamic groups, Doha started

EU sanctions, shrugs off US sanction.,
Middle East News

EU Shrugs Off US Sanctions, Gives Millions In Coronavirus Aid To Iran

The White House has not backed off it’s ‘maximum pressure’ campaign on Iran even as the Islamic Republic’s Covid-19 cases and deaths continue to soar,

MDDLE EAST ,SYRIA ,Hmeimim,Russia ,
Middle East News

Syria : an Airstrike avoided in the Hmeimim vicinity.

The Syrian official media reported, that the air defenses intercepted a drone in the vicinity of Hmeimim Air Force Base in Jableh, Lattakia countryside. The

Palestine, Israel
Middle East News

Palestinians demand Israel release prisoners because of coronavirus

The Palestinian Prisoners Society has called on the United Nations to pressure Israel to secure the release of Palestinians in Israeli prisons.  This measure is