Middle East

The reintroduction of a contentious measure in Iran aims to restrict the country’s internet access

Iran– Iranian lawmakers have pushed through a contentious bill that will effectively shut most Iranians off from the internet and transfer over the country’s internet

Middle East

Israel: Police use of Pegasus Spyware is not illegal

Israel– While the police did utilize NSO Group’s infamous Pegasus software, an investigation into charges that Israel’s police force regularly hacked into the mobile phones

Middle East

Lebanon: Bahaa Hariri enters political fray ahead of vote

Lebanon– Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s estranged older brother says he believes the impending elections in crisis-torn Lebanon will usher in a new generation of

Middle East

Egypt, France, Germany, and Jordan reaffirm their commitment to a two-state solution

Egypt, France, Germany, and Jordan have expressed their support for two-state peace negotiations between Palestine and Israel. The four countries “support all efforts to achieve

Middle East

Saudi Arabia: Women apply for a train driver job vacancy

Saudi Arabia– More than 28,000 women have signed up to finish the necessary training to fill 30 train driver positions in Saudi Arabia, marking the

Middle East

Israeli settlers raid the home of a Palestinian family fearing displacement in Sheikh Jarrah

Palestine–Settler violence has erupted in the East Jerusalem neighborhood after a far-right Knesset member takes up residence on Palestinian family land. According to a Middle

Middle East

Egypt: UN Climate Conference to be held in Sharm el-Sheikh

Egypt–Cairo has lately increased its attempts to win international support for the 2022 Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on

Middle East

Yemen forces gain control over new area from Houthi

Yemen– Yemen forces have been taking over the Houthi occupied regions in the country. They have been slowly getting back the power that they had

Middle East

Iraq: Looking for French drones and fighter planes, as well as more Russian tanks

Iraq–Iraq’s military is looking for a variety of defensive equipment, including French Rafale fighter planes, drones, and artillery, as well as Russian T-90 tanks, with

Middle East

Kuwait: Foreign minister is facing a vote of no confidence over suspected violations

Kuwait–Following a lengthy questioning session, Kuwait’s foreign minister will face a vote of no confidence next week after ten MPs filed a motion alleging irregularities