Morocco Announces Cryptocurrency in Collaboration with IMF & World Bank

trading. The head of central bank, Abdellatif Jouahri, announced this in a meeting. All these new rules were made with the assistance from those large global organizations including the IMF and the World Bank.
Morocco is not new to cryptocurrency – it is ranked 13th in the world in terms of usage of bitcoins. Now the country is trying to see to it that such an activity is appropriately regulated. The new rules will also assist in safeguarding citizens who engage in the use of cryptocurrencies besides promoting more of the financial technology within the country.
“All the stakeholders in this field were consulted to make these rules functional,” Jouahri said during the announcement. The public will have their say on these rules before they are set in stone, and then the government will have to bless them. This step is to be expected to bring Morocco into the fold of countries dealing with digital currency while maintaining the solidity of its financial sector.