Netanyahu Promises to Safeguard Religious Freedom, Promises Swift Action Against Attacks on Christians

attack on christian worshippers in jerusalem

The recent rise in incidents of Jews spitting on or near Christian worshippers in Jerusalem has continued to increase daily, thus turning up criticism in Israel itself.

Those deeds were taped, which are abominable and have appalled the nation and the world community, raising some questions over religious tolerance around that area.

Disturbing Incidents During Sukkot:

Recently, several incidents took place in Jerusalem’s Old City, which happened during the celebration of Sukkot’s holiday when large numbers of Jews were coming for worshiping, events, and so on.

Even more disturbing are the incidents in which mainly Jewish youngsters have been spitting upon church buildings and Christians during their religious ceremonies.

Such horrendous trends seem to contradict Israel’s declared determination to protect the rights of religious worship and respect for the sanctuaries of faith. It was agreed upon at the establishment of the state seventy-five years ago.

However, Israel’s occupation of part of the West Bank and annexation of East Jerusalem during the 1967 war is controversial among the foreign public. Nevertheless, this country should guarantee the practicability of all religions and protect all believers’ rights.

Netanyahu’s Strong Response:

PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s office reacted to these incidents by making a strong statement on Tuesday affirming that Israel is committed to safeguarding the sacred rights of worship and pilgrimage for believers of every creed. The Israeli Prime Minister condemned such happenings and promised to take swift action against it.

However, before that, Israeli President Isaac Herzog had expressed concerns over the rising persecution of Christians in Israel during his visit to Stella Maris Carmelite monastery in Haifa on August 9th.

Herzog’s visit included accompanying him with the Israeli police inspector general, Yakob Shabtai, who reiterated the country’s dedication to guaranteeing utmost religious freedom, freedom of worship, and protection for whole communities.

President Herzog’s Concerns:

President Herzog, while addressing those assembled at the monastery, stressed the need for deeper insights into the historical traditions of the different religious communities in the Holy Land.

He pointed to the region’s place as the origin of monotheism – Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, reminding all involved in their interplay – to live together peacefully.

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Global Attention on Jerusalem:

In addition, these recent cases of Jews spitting at Christian worshippers have caused outrage and condemnation. However, this has spurred the Israeli leadership to rekindle its dedication to preserving religious tolerance and promoting peaceful coexistence amongst its varied citizenry.

Meanwhile, as it contends with such challenges, the globe eagerly observes speedy settlements that would ensure the sanctity and protection of the sacredness of worship in Jerusalem for everyone.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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