President Kais Saied entitles himself with Judiciary, protestors take on street to oppose the move

Another day begins with disappointed citizens of Tunisia taking to streets to show their disapproval for the one sided decisions taken by the forced president, Kais Saied.
On Sunday, thousands of protestors were on streets in the Arab country after the president announced that he will be taking care of the judiciary. He entitled himself with the power over the judiciary of the country. He reportedly will construct a new watchdog for the judiciary that will allow him to fire or dismiss judges and block promotions and appointments. There were nearly 2000 protestors who were found to be demonstrating in the capital city of Tunis.
The president’s order disappointed many citizens and they stepped on ground waving flags and shouting slogans against his rule and the president himself. They were seen carrying signs like don’t touch the judiciary!” while another read “save our democracy!” Youssef Bouzakher, the head of the Supreme Council, which has been snactihed with all ist rights recently by the president, called the move unconstitutional. The official said, “the move ends guarantees of the independence of the judiciary.”
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Last week, the president stated that he will issue a decree which will confirm the dissolution of the Superior Council of the Judiciary. This too was dealt with extreme protests and revolts. The judges and lawyers started protesting outside the presidential facility and the Palace of Justice.
The new decree announced on Sunday bars the members of the judiciary from taking part in the protest action. The major concern among all this is the threat to democratic experimentation in the country. The country has been trying to establish democracy of practice but with this move, even the freedom of people is put at risk.