Why Kais Saied Chief Of Staff Has Walked Out?

Tunisia–Tunisia also like Armenia has lost one of its trusted administrative staff over difference of opinion. Nadia Akacha has quit as Tunisian President Kais Saied’s chief of staff and closest adviser. She has been on his side since 2019. His coming to power had been severely criticized by his own country due to the fact that he decided to rewrite the constitution arbitrarily.
Saied’s coming to power has been termed as a ‘coup’ in no less terms. Akacha seems to have given up after two years of struggle over ‘difference of opinion and fundamental understanding for the betterment of the country.’ She took to Facebook to declare her decision, without any further explanations given.
There was no immediate comment or official confirmation of her resignation from the presidential palace. A political source said Akacha had disagreed with Saied’s support for an Interior Ministry decision to force six senior security officials, including a former intelligence chief, to retire. The conduit who has been on his side, did not agree with him this time. She was highly respected by the Tunisian government officials, foreign diplomats and former presidential office staff too.
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Saied’s overall conduct is dictatorial and does not adhere to the long-standing desire for democracy in the nation. Many working in the government had quit when he came to power and were never reinstated too. The president decided to initiate an online public consultation before drafting a new constitution that he says will be put to a referendum, but has not brought major political or civil society players into the process.
His conduct has not been appreciated in the West either. Major Western donors meanwhile say in private that Saied is unlikely to secure international help needed to finance the budget and debt repayments without a more inclusive political approach or broad agreement on economic reforms.