Putin says relationship with US at its ‘lowest ebb’


Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the relationship between Russia and the US is at its “lowest point” in years.

He, in an interview with NBC News ahead of his meeting with the US President, said that the bilateral relationship has deteriorated to its lowest point but Russia wants a stable relationship with the US.

Biden and Putin are set to meet in Geneva on Wednesday, 16 June. The White House has said Joe Biden will bring up Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine, ransomware attacks emanating from Russia, the jailing of dissidents and several other issues that have irritated the relationship.

Putin in Friday’s interview negated a US media report that alleged Russia of delivering an advanced satellite system to Iran to improve its spying capabilities.

“It’s fake news. I don’t know anything about this kind of thing. And those who are speaking about it may know more about it. It’s just garbage, nonsense,” Putin said.

The Russian President praised Donald Trump, the former US President, as “an extraordinary and talented individual,” and said that Biden, as a career politician, was “very different” from Trump.

“Trump is a colourful individual. You can hate him, but he didn’t come from the US establishment. He was not a part of big-time politics before, and people may not like it but that is a fact.”

He was asked about Biden calling him a killer, to which Putin said he had heard dozens of such accusations over time, adding: “This is not something that I worry about.”

Biden, who is scheduled to meet Putin on June 16, arrived in the UK last week and has spent the past few days in Cornwall meeting fellow G7 leaders. Before the summit, he said: “We are not seeking a conflict with Russia.”

“We want a predictable relationship and I’ve been clear about that. The United States will respond in a meaningful and robust way if the Russian government keeps on its harmful activities.”



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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