Resignation of Kuwaiti government raises new uncertainty in country’s political chaos


Kuwait KuwaitJust months after its formation, the government of Kuwait resigned on Tuesday. This has opened concerns over new array of uncertainties as the Arab country is struggling under growing political chaos that has led to economic and social crisis amid blocked reform implementations.

State run news agency KUNA has reported that Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al Hamad Al Sabah submitted the cabinet’s resignation to the crown prince before the no-confidence vote scheduled for later this week in Kuwait’s Parliament. The development sheds light on growing political crisis in the country – this is the third government of Kuwait to have resigned in past one and a half year alone. In December, this government was appointed with a fleet of new faces being included, apparently to appease the opposition sections in political framework of country. But their resignation bares open the foundational error in country’s political framework and failure to make substantial reforms.

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The Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah has been at the receiving end with opposition law makers hauling him last week in interrogations over his alleged involvement in corruption and extensive mismanagement as the head of Kuwaiti government. The opposition has publicly ‘declared’ the prime minister “unsuitable” and demanded a new prime minister to lead the country out of crisis and secure reforms it is desperately in need of.

Apart from political chaos, Kuwait has also been struggling amid economic crisis. Russia’s attack on Ukraine and growing oil prices have created a windfall for the country. It has also brought in the realization over country’s high dependency on oil revenues for its economy and that it is time to diversify. Last year, coronavirus pandemic and years long low prices of oil have together pushed Kuwait’s account deficit to 16.6 per cent of its GDP. “The Kuwaiti people are exhausted and approaching a dangerous level of despair,” prominent academic Ibtihal Al-Khatib noted in an editorial for Arabic language Alhurra news website.



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