Syrai , Cronavirus , war
Middle East News

Syria, between war and coronavirus

Nine years have passed since the war began in Syria. Almost half a million dead, not to mention the wounded, six million internally displaced persons

Libya , Cronavirus , Doctors, Covid-19

Libya sends 30 doctors to help Italy fighting the Coronavirus

The Foreign Ministry of Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) announced Tuesday that Libya is sending 30 doctors to Italy to help fight the Coronavirus

Erdogen , Cronavirus ,
News World

Erdogan’s poor response to coronavirus poses a huge risk to the whole region

Turkey confirmed yesterday 3,892 new coronavirus infections, bringing the total of COVID-19 cases in the country up to 34,000. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca stated that

Libya , Europe , Cronavirus
Middle East News World

What’s happening in Libya while Europe is busy with the coronavirus?

While Europe is engaged in the fight against coronavirus, fighting between the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and armed groups

Iran , Covid-19 Cronavirus
Middle East News World

In Iran, methanol is widely consumed to protect against coronavirus. About 300 people died

In Iran, locals are massively taking industrial methanol because of rumors that it can protect against coronavirus.  According to the agency, local social network accounts

Lybia War , syria
Middle East News

Fighting continue in Libya despite the coronavirus global emergency

The appeals of the international community are urged to end hostilities and allow local authorities to respond to COVID-19 Following the International call for an

Iran , Vovid-19 ,
Middle East

Iran frees 85000 prisoners due to Coronavirus

After the death toll for the novel virus Covid-19 reached an impressive 850, the Islamic Republic of Iran decided to release 85,000 prisoners in a

Al-Arabiya English’ reported that United Arab Emirates based travel agents refused to issue flight tickets to Saudi Arabia to anyone who isn’t a Saudi national. Reuters also reported Emirates Airline restricted boarding on flights to Saudi Arabia in compliance with the Kingdom’s Foreign Affairs Ministry
Middle East News

Saudi Arabia suspends tourist visas due to coronavirus

On Thursday Saudi Arabia announced that it had temporarily suspended entry for visitors from coronavirus-hit countries with tourist visas, as well as pilgrims embarking on