Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Middle East

Sirte waits at the edge of battle

The Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) has been moving columns of troops from Misrata along the Mediterranean….

Libya National Army

Despite calls for a ceasefire, in Libya a military escalation is expected

Despite calls from the international community to reach a ceasefire in Libya and the return of the parties to the dialogue table, the movements on the ground in recent weeks…

Libyans celebrate the liberation from the Qaddafi regime in the streets of Tripoli

The situation in Libya continues to divide the UN Security Council

On Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council reunited to discuss the situation in Libya. The permanent representative of the North-African country to the UN….

3d illustrator of oil pump
Middle East News

Slump in the oil market pulls down Libyan central reserves by 20%

According to the recent report published by the Libyan audit bureau, the country’s central bank reserves are expected to fall by 20%due to plummeting oil

The Libyan newspaper “Al-Adwan” reported that what some media reports mentioned in this regard is a slander.
Middle East News

Field Marshal Haftar’s forces claim the killing of 16 Turkish soldiers in Libya

On Sunday, Forces loyal to Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, killed 16 Turkish soldiers as of late, a day following Turkey recognized it had lost “a