Taliban celebrates as world powers comes to their shackles


Bringing more disturbing news for India, Al-Qaeda congratulated the Taliban on their victory in Afghanistan, saying it is time for the next stage of jihad. The terror group also called for the liberation of Levant, Somalia, Yemen and Kashmir.

After taking over Afghanistan, the Talibans have even made country free from interference of US officials and are now targeting towards liberation of Kashmir and other Islamic lands from the ‘clutches of the enemies.

In one of their statements, they also pleaded that for the freedom of all Muslim prisoners across the world. The statement added that US was ‘humiliated and defeated’ in Afghanistan and its global reputation was tarnished. It called the Taliban fighters as a symbol for resilience and resistance; and said that the Afghan nation has defeated an imperialist power for the third time in two centuries.

It should also be noted that Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan was celebrated by Al-Qaeda and other extremist groups across the globe. It also included Jaish-e- Mohammed and Lashkar e Taiba in India. These people from Al Qaeda group now identify themselves as Salafi jihadists.

India has meanwhile categorically clarified their position by saying that Afghanistan’s soil should not be used for anti-Indian activities and terrorism in any manner. To this, Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai assured the ambassador that these issues would be positively addressed.

Taliban leaders celebrates their victory as they say that US President Joe Biden made the best decision by withdrawing the troops from Afghanistan to end the 20-year war. They assert there was no reason to continue in a war that was no longer in the service of the vital national interest of the American people.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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